Thursday, September 18, 2008

So I start a blog about fibro....

....and then don't post for a few days because I'm having a flare-up. I hate to be a whiner, so I try not to talk about it when I dont' feel good, but I guess that defeats the purpose of the blog....

I am miserable and just pissy about it. My fibromyalgia is flaring all over, but it has really kicked up my TMJ syndrome (jaw joint hurts like hell) and it's really messing with my stomach. Have one hell of a headache, too, but that's kinda par for the course. The TMJ and stomach thing are...well, I can't say NEW symptoms, but they have never been this bad in the past. And it's not like the daily aches and pains go away - this is in addition to.

I try VERY hard to maintain a positive attitude - I HAVE to! My attitude is the only thing I have any control over! But times like this, when I've been in so much pain for so many days, I just can't. I've had enough, damn it - but fibro doesn't care. It's got to run it's course, and I just have to grin and bear it.

I HAVE been keeping up with my workouts - not daily, like I'd prefer, but still - something is a hell of a lot better than nothing. How's that for irony - I have the motivation to workout, something that eludes most people, but I CAN'T - my body won't cooperate. Bwahahahahahaha

It's laugh or cry - and crying just makes the headaches worse.

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