Monday, September 8, 2008

Living With Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a little-known and less understood chronic pain condition. I'm lucky - I am very high-functioning for a fibromyalgic - there are very few days that I'm bedridden, I hold down a full-time job and I'm pretty active physically. That doesn't mean that I'm symptom-free, though; just yesterday, I woke up in tears with pain tearing through my body from head-to-toe. I'm not telling you that for sympathy (don't want it, don't need it!) but just to explain how things are.

I can feel fantastic today - sail through my 8 hours at the office, waltz through the front door and whip up an awesome dinner from scratch (nutrition is important to a fibro), work out for an hour and still have energy to burn. Tomorrow, I may not be able to get out of bed. Needless to say, this makes planning anything pretty damned difficult, and that can take a serious toll on relationships.

(Will finish this later...)

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